lawsuit | Meaning of lawsuit in English with examples - infoAnew" /> lawsuit" /> lawsuit" /> lawsuit definition" /> lawsuit in a sentence" />

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lawsuit definition


Define the meaning of the English word lawsuit below. Lawsuit is a noun. Examples of how to use lawsuit in a sentence are shown. Also define these 0 related words and terms: .

See also: law suit



law +‎ suit



lawsuit (plural lawsuits)

  1. (law) In civil law, a case where two or more people disagree and one or more of the parties take the case to a court for resolution.
    • 2013 August 10, “Can China clean up fast enough?”, in The Economist, volume 408, number 8848:
      It has jailed environmental activists and is planning to limit the power of judicial oversight by handing a state-approved body a monopoly over bringing environmental lawsuits.
    The lawyer advised his client against filing a lawsuit as it would take a lot of time and money to resolve.
