-like | Meaning of -like in English and Middle English with examples - infoAnew" /> -like" /> -like" /> -like definition" /> -like in a sentence" />

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-like definition


This page has 4 definitions of -like in English and Middle English. -like is a suffix. Examples of how to use -like in a sentence are shown. Also define these 0 related words and terms: .

See also: like, liké, lìkè, and lǐkē

English -like definition


From Middle English -like, -lik, from Middle English like, lik (same, similar, alike), from Old English ġelīc and Old Norse líkr (same, similar, alike). Reinforced by like (preposition). Doublet of -ly. Compare also Dutch -lijk (-ly, -like).



  1. Resembling, having some of the characteristics of (used to form adjectives from nouns).
    a childlike voice
    snake-like coils of rope
    • 1996, Kevin Siembieda, Palladium Fantasy Role-Playing Game page 128 under "Dark"
      Damage: Those with normal, human-like vision are blind
    • 2012 May 20, Nathan Rabin, “TV: Review: THE SIMPSONS (CLASSIC): “Marge Gets A Job” (season 4, episode 7; originally aired 11/05/1992)”, in The Onion AV Club[1]:
      What other television show would feature a gorgeously designed sequence where a horrifically mutated Pierre and Marie Curie, their bodies swollen to Godzilla-like proportions from prolonged exposure to the radiation that would eventually kill them, destroy an Asian city with their bare hands like vengeance-crazed monster-Gods?
  2. (dialectal) Used to form adverbs from adjectives or nouns; alternative of -ly.

Usage notes

Words formed with like are often spelled with a hyphen. This is particularly the case with British spelling more so than American spelling, where it is somewhat more common to form the word without a hyphen.


Note: the suffixes below cannot necessarily replace "-like", but are also used to form words having the same sense as words formed using "-like".

Derived terms

  • coroutine-like
  • Moon-like
  • RAII-like
  • Sun-like
  • XML-like


Further reading


Middle English -like definition

Etymology 1



  1. Alternative form of -ly (adjectival suffix)

Etymology 2



  1. Alternative form of -ly (adverbial suffix)