About infoAnew
Background information and mission
Innovating Information
infoAnew.com is here to carry out a simple mission: to organize public domain information such as Wikipedia and YouTube in new, novel, and creative ways to offer fresh perspectives and make more information more accessible to all. Ultimately, infoAnew seeks to help us all learn more about ourselves and our respective worlds by facilitating information absorbtion in an improved way.
How can we make more information more useful?
This is an ongoing question we ask ourselves in order to continuously innovate infoAnew. We are attempting to solve the problem of how to better organize and display information to make it more learnable, memorable, and useful. To help solve this problem infoAnew incorporates user experience design, information design, and continuous innovation. These objectives are facilitated by the following design principles:
For a given article, infoAnew presents images where available and overviews of any and, in many cases, all related articles. Effectively presenting all facts, ideas, and options to increase the range and scope of information available immediately to the reader.
InfoAnew uses Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) technology to deliver speedier, more responsive web pages that load and render as fast as possible using page caching and predefined layouts.
To make "branching out" and learning easier for users, infoAnew implements previews of related pages similar to Page Previews in Wikipedia and other Wikimedia projects, but without requiring the user to tap or hover on a link, nor be on a desktop device. Previewing information on infoAnew is immediate and a key characteristic to offering visible information on the surface of each Wikipedia+ page.
Set Your Curiosity Free
Ultimately, infoAnew aspires to present information in new and unprecedented ways in order to promote greater synthesis of diverse information and spark ongoing intellectual and cognitive growth. The mission of evolving human cognitive ability alongside the growth in information is an ongoing one and infoAnew will eagerly assist in increasing your capacity to become a more fulfilled and engaged human in this information age.